Opticians since 1993 Chamonix Mont-Blanc

100% - 100 Percent

The values of 100% - 100 Percent, individual expression, creativity, innovation and freedom, are expressed through its positioning on sliding sports and are united in its logo: 100%. The brand is aimed at athletes who want to equip themselves with quality sportswear products, in line with their style.
See more of what matters…passion, family, drive, team, style, collaboration, life. 100% brings together some of our most iconic athletes across multiple sports to bring you Visionaries. Showcasing the commonalities and respect they have for one another through sport and conversation. The common denominator of these athletes is their drive to give 100% in everything they do.

100% offers optimized products in goggles and sports glasses. The 100% product has everything you need and nothing more. The 100% brand has always been synonymous with motocross Americana and has been linked to many iconic moments that have built the roots and history of what is modern motocross. The roots of the 100% brand date back to the early 1980’s when the popular logo graced the factory racing equipment of the biggest names in motocross.
Our location in Chamonix Mont-Blanc allows us a perfect knowledge of the products, we are official distributor 100%

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